*** NOW ENROLLING 1st - 5th Grade for the 2025-2026 school year! ***

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Elementary Classrooms

Our elementary classes now include kindergarten through fifth grade. We maintain low teacher - student ratios and focus on high levels of student engagement. The teachers collaborate on classroom environment, curriculum, assessments, and student experiences to create a harmonious daily rhythm among all grade levels.

At Persimmon Elementary, you’ll find:

  • Learning through immersive experiences and hands-on projects

  • A teaching approach that combines research-based practices and personalized differentiation for all learning styles

  • Developmentally appropriate curriculum following Florida State Standards AND incorporating unique student interests/needs

  • Whole-child approach that promotes social and emotional skills development

  • At least 60 minutes of outside play and learning each day

We value student progress to mastery versus grades. Kindergarten through 2nd grade do not receive grades on schoolwork or on report cards. Third through fifth grade receive more traditional report cards. Assessments are given at the beginning, middle, and end of the year to monitor growth in academic, social, and emotional skills. Report cards go home quarterly with information about the students’ progress through skills mastery. Instead of assigning homework, we recommend families read together every night.

In 3rd grade, academic expectations progress and the teachers begin to look more closely at reading, writing, and mathematics skills. Mastery of these skills are assessed during unit quizzes and tests in some subject areas. In addition to teacher observations of students, report cards also reflect letter grades.

Contact us for more information or a tour!

VPK Classrooms

VPK is an exciting time as children begin the transition from preschool to kindergarten! We want our students to be successful in the elementary school setting. In addition to introducing phonological awareness and number sense, we also engage students in play-based learning that will increase social and emotional awareness. Our VPK classes follow curriculum provided by the Early Learning Coalition which is adapted to weekly thematic units that help children explore the world around them. Students get messy, ask big questions, collaborate to problem-solve, and fall in love with learning! VPK class time is 9:00am-12:00pm with the option to add wrap-around care.

Preschool Classrooms

We offer separate classrooms for one-, two-, and three-year-olds. Each class maintains low teacher-student ratios, with two lead teachers and support staff available throughout the day. Children engage in morning circle time to establish a community-minded routine. Teachers prepare lessons according to thematic units that focus on sensory and play-based learning experiences. We also partner with parents to support child growth in self-care skills like hand-washing, dressing, and toileting. All preschool students enjoy both morning and afternoon outside play sessions.